Re: stop responding pan
Uri Cogan 2006-Jul-08 04:47:00
Jim Watters wrote:
> When I zoomed in to look at the nadir of this pan I can no longer pan.
> http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp606/html/ArtBaltrotsky.html
> <http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp606/html/ArtBaltrotsky.html>
> It must be the auto rotate sprite used.
> If I switch applications and come back it is fine.
> Firefox on WinXP
> Anyone else having the same problem?
Yes. Same problem, it freezes at the nadir in all these Macintosh browsers:
Firefox, Internet Explorer 5.2.3, and Netscape 7.2
Dual processor G5 Power Macintosh. Mac OS 10.4.7, QuickTime 7.1.2
Uri Cogan
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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