Re: Nikon Glass
Mark Banas (lists) 2006-Aug-10 01:20:00
On Aug 9, 2006, at 8:03 PM, nottrydo wrote:
> Hi I'm a new member and was looking for an opinion form the
> experienced. I was looking at wide zooms and am considering the 12-24
> Nikor, but was warned against it by a sales person. He advised I look
> at the sigma lens instead. I want it for both panos and other
> landscape etc?
I'm not a Nikon user, but I recently bought a used Sigma 12-24, and
it is an excellent, sharp lens. What I have heard in the past about
the Nikkor 12-24 is that it has a problem with "mustache distortion,"
which, unlike barrel or pincushion distortion, cannot be easily (if
at all) corrected. This may not be a big problem in single-shot
landscapes, especially without a defined horizon or lots of straight
lines (think buildings), but this is probably what the salesperson
was thinking of. I don't know which lens is sharper, but the Sigma
has very mild barrel distortion at 12mm and almost none at 24mm.
And I think the Sigma is significantly cheaper.