Re: WWP rule change request
Landis 2006-Sep-18 15:20:00
Yuv is right. Since we spend so much time working on the WWP during
and immediately following events, we tend to take off the time
between events and pay little attention to the mailing list or things
that don't require immediate feedback. We're not ignoring you.
We're certainly not going to just allow the FullScreenQTVR proposal
to go forward as we saw it a while ago. It wouldn't be good for the
WWP, it wouldn't be good for FSQTVR. We're still looking into a
compromise that will keep EVERYONE happy and will be in the best
interests of the WWP, FSQTVR and the community at large.
Don and I will talk about modifying the line in question to reflect
these circumstances.
Sorry about the delay.
>I'll take the total lack of response as a "No". I certainly respect
>your right to set whatever rules you think best, and I'm sure there
>are many forms that the FullScreenQTVR site could take to include WWP
>content that I would enthusiastically support. But the only form
>I've seen so far is one that I can't support, so I doubt I will be
>participating in this WWP event. No big deal for the site as a whole
>since I seem to be the only one concerned. And it probably wouldn't
>be a big deal for me either, but I just don't like the idea of signing
>a blank check no matter how little there is in the account. Hopefully
>there will be more definition to the FullScreenQTVR-WWP relationship
>prior to the next WWP event, and I look forward to participating again
>at that time.
>Dan Heimsoth