Re: Happy New Year - Best Of 2006 is online!
Markus Altendorff 2006-Dec-31 13:21:00
Nick Gordon schrieb:
> O brother, to late.
> After feeling sick for a few days I decided to have another go on my
> eclips panorama. And had just finnised it a minute ago. Markus, I could
> see you being busy at te prepserver an hour ago, saw then time to
> upload had expired. To bad. I think you'll rather go and get a beer now
> and I'll be away in a minute.
> Still , to share the pano with others
> http://www.kijkmaar rond.nl/pages/ full_qtvr_ zonsverduisterin g.shtml
> <http://www.kijkmaarrond.nl/pages/full_qtvr_zonsverduistering.shtml>
> I'll have to catch a train now.
> To all, best wishes for next year.
Wow, that's a great panorama! I don't know if you'll be
around the next days, but i'll forward this to Landis so you
can join late for the "second edition".