Re: Comments
- AYRTON - (avi) 2007-Jan-04 23:38:00
You know what ???
It seems that YOU Simon, is the only one getting HYSTERICAL here !!!
Take a look at all the msgs and you;re gonna see that you're the only
one fighting desperate for that :-)
Take it easy men.
Take a snap and then things will be clear again :-)
[ ]s
On 04/01/2007, at 20:02, Wheaton, Simon wrote:
> Pat, I have read all the comments.
> It's not about whether they agree or disagree with me, it's what
> their disagreement is based on.
> Victor, like others, thinks that having comments will turn it into
> a competition. I don't see that at all. I really think that is part
> of the anti-comment hysteria.
> Everyone else is saying things like...
> - it will be too much work to moderate (it can be self-moderated)
> - contributors will have to constantly check back (have automated
> emails when comments are received)
> - it is already too clutered with technical info most are not
> interested in (nope, don't see that either, the Equipment section
> is the only technical info on there, and most contributors do a
> very poor job of that section anyway)
> - people are worried they will be critisized publicly (I don't
> think there will be many negative comments, if there are, take it
> as constructive critisism and get over it)
> - comment on the WWP list (that's fine for contributors, but the
> audience is wider than that, and comments do not then appear along
> with the pano)
> - it changes the mentality of the event (umm, nope, do not agree at
> all)
> - it takes the viewers time away from looking at the panos (I don't
> think there would be many comments per pano, and that it would take
> much time away from looking at the pano in comparison to the time
> already taken reading the description and other information already
> on there)
> - the other VR sites do not have comments (so why shouldn't WWP, we
> do not have to be exactly like all the other VR sites)
> - it will turn the event into a 'forum-free-for-all' (I don't see
> how a comment section would make it a 'forum-free-for-all')
> - once implemented it could not be taken away (it can be easily
> taken away if it doesn't work out)
> In my opinion most people here are getting hysterical about it and
> not considering how it could be made to work.
> Simon
> Canberra
> ________________________________
> From: #removed# on behalf of Pat Swovelin
> Sent: Fri 5/01/2007 8:05 AM
> Just because someone doesn't like or agree with something doesn't mean
> he/she's hysterical. You might consider rereading the comments of the
> people who don't think it's a good idea to see if they're really
> hysterical or if they just don't like the idea. Specifically you
> should
> reread Victor Z's thoughtful response about the issue
> http://tinyurl.com/yactvy and tell me what part is hysterical.
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