Why is Caroling Geary singled out?
Norman Shapiro 2007-Dec-25 03:54:00
Just finished posting my Tribute submission and checking out some of
the other submissions. I came across a section called: Artistca
(non-photographic) in which Caroling's submission was located. I've
been involved in photography for many years as a student, teacher, and
professional. Every so often the question about a photograph comes up
"is it art?". Some artists, generally those working in paint, stone,
wood, etc generally will say no-it is not art because they used a
machine of some sort to create the piece. I have always felt works
like these, and my own, are photographs. And that photographs can be
equal to other pieces of art and that the label does not matter-it is
the intent of the creator of the piece. It is disappointing to me to
see this issue in this forum. I believe Caroling's work should be
displayed in the same manner as all of the other submissions.