Future of the World Wide Panorama (1 of 3)
G. Donald Bain 2008-Oct-07 01:42:00
From the very beginning the World Wide Panorama has been sponsored by
the Geography Department at the University of California Berkeley.
This provided us with a free server and unlimited bandwidth, and gave
credence to the educational nature of our endeavor.
When I decided to retire from the department I realized that it would
leave sponsorship by the university in jeopardy. What I feared has in
fact now happened. The chairman of the department has notified me that
we must remove the WWP from the Geo-Images server by December 20.
Fortunately, Landis and I have already taken steps to prepare for this
- we set up a non-profit corporation to take over responsibility for
the World Wide Panorama and ensure its continuation.
The "World Wide Panorama Foundation" was legally chartered as a
"public benefit corporation" by the California Secretary of State on
June 29, 2008.
It will officially serve "educational" purposes and the two initial
directors are Landis Bennett and G. Donald Bain. A detailed statement
of purpose, procedures, budget, and expansion of the board of
directors will be formulated in the next step. The final step will be
to obtain tax exempt status as a charity at both the federal and state
level as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Quoting from the Articles of Incorporation:
"The specific purposes for which this corporation is organized are to
protect and foster the collaborative project known as the World Wide
Panorama, publish its web site, continue its quarterly events and
expand its international educational activities."
"This corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not
organized for the private gain of any person."
"The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to
educational purposes meeting the requirements of Section 214 of the
California Revenue and Taxation Code and no part of the net income or
assets of the organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any
director, officer, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private
Another e-mail with more information will follow.