Re: old panoramas new interface...
Roger D. Williams 2009-Feb-12 08:39:00
On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:13:22 +0900, stuart franey
<#removed#> wrote:
> See below for reply....
> Possibly the ones with larger sound files as it is maybe loading the
> sounds before starting to play...Maybe I could add a low res preview
> without sound?? This was designed when broadband was rare so a preview
> image is a possibility now..
Yes, that might be it. It didn't affect all, but quite a few of the
Canadian ones of mountain scenery.
> Possibly a rollover on the button with text saying where it is or a line
> of text below the movie?
Yes, something like that.
> I have many musical friends and am looking to add more, glad you liked
> it as I too like the combination of sound to express how I felt at the
> time and effects to place you in the scene better, does that make sense?
It's my attitude exactly.
> Have you by now eliminated the severe chromatic aberration that rather
> mars some of these photos?
> mmm possibly as I have the source Jpegs, most of them are with a coolpix
> 990 with a fisheye (like looking through a beer bottle) lens, so yes
> images can suffer, any tips on improved workflow to remove chromatic
> abberation appreciated. I used PTMac, and these are between 9 and 4
> years old, but there is newer stuff around i guess. I have been looking
> at ptgui.
PTgui cannot remove CA, alas. It is better done with RAW files, where
it can be effectively eliminated. With JPEGs the results can vary
from mediochre (I used to use a program that merely selectively greyed
our the coloured fringes. Not recommended!) to quite helpful. Any RAW
processing program with batch capabilities can automate this for you
at the cost of a few minutes in front of the computer.
> Do you have a link to your site and reworked panoramas?S
Not yet. Working on it.
Roger W.
Work: www.adex-japan.com