Re: Possible panos for performing arts
Pat Swovelin 2009-Sep-01 06:27:00
On 8/31/2009 3:31 PM, erwinsmarfingerfeulcher's hamster got loose on the
keyboard and typed ...:
> I am new to this forum and wonder if all discussion is about nuts and
> bolts like being able to shoot in public or can we discuss picture ideas?
It's for everything related to the WWP.
> I keep thinking that this one could be buying a used car,
The buyer isn't performing, the seller is. No matter how good/bad the
car is he's got to make it look like it's the greatest car in the
history of the world. The buyer isn't performing, he's watching the
seller perform
> being in audience of sports event cheering,
They're not performing, the player who is doing some sort of a
celebratory dance (whatever) for making a score is. The audience is
merely watching his performance.
> or even winning at bingo.
There's no performance anyplace in a bingo hall except for someone who
wins and makes a big deal out of it to impress his friends (that he just
> Could others suggest possibilities?
Did you read my essay describing the theme ("The WWP event "Performing
Arts" descriptive essay" posted 8-22-09, 6:03 pm)? There are *LOTS* of
suggestions in it.
> Thank you,
Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large