Re: EVA: Call for Proposals
stuart franey 2009-Nov-14 13:34:00
Hi, I am keen to present at this, anyone want to collaborate??
Newer stuff
Best 100 from my pano career (there were 2000 to choose from)
I work at Loughborough University in the UK as a Technical Tutor and teach anything Digital. I would prefer to collaborate with a wwp's (am an old wrinkler)
--- On Sat, 11/14/09, George Row <#removed#> wrote:
From: George Row <#removed#>
Subject: Re: EVA: Call for Proposals
To: #removed#
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 1:12 PM
I passed your question on to my friend on the EVA organising committee and she discussed it with the rest of the organising committee and after a short delay they replied as follows:
"we are v. interested in getting submissions on immersive panoramic photography.
There was a session on 'immersive environments' last year as well and a demo by a company called Musion of some 3D landscapes (www.musion. co.uk/index. html).
... the proceedings for the last couple of years and included two papers that might be of interest.
Murat Germen, Redesigning architecture through photography
http://www.bcs. org/server. php?show= conWebDoc. 20595
http://www.bcs. org/server. php?show= conMediaFile. 8802 (PDF)
Jeremy Gardiner, Light Years: Jurassic Coast an Immersive 3D Landscape Project
http://www.bcs. org/server. php?show= conWebDoc. 27701
http://www.bcs. org/server. php?show= conMediaFile. 11214 (PDF)
all the best
--- In #removed# com, "panometr" <k_kwiatek@. ..> wrote:
> Hi George,
> Thanks for the information about this conference.
> Have you seen papers/presentation s about panoramas on previous conferences?
> Karol
> --- In #removed# com, "George Row" <gh_row@> wrote:
> >
> > The Electronic Visualisation and the Arts 2010 conference might be of interest to some people here.
> > http://www.eva- conferences. com/eva_london/ 2010_home
> > http://www.eva- conferences. com/eva_london/ 2010/call_ for_proposals
> >
> > It is scheduled for early July 2010, in London - but if you want to speak at it you need to get your proposal in by January.
> >
> > I got an email this morning informing me about it, from a graduate of a course on which I used to teach, who is on the organising committee (yes that DOES make me feel very old!).
> >
> > She tells me that previous conferences in the series have attracted a good mix of techies and artists.
> >
> > I am half thinking that I might write something for them - about the WWP project ... a participants perspective ... I am aware that there are lots of people who could do this - so if anyone else is thinking about it let me know so that we can avoid clashing with each other.
> >
> > George
> >
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