Re: Problems with scrolling on Patrizio Silvi Antonini's full screen
scott_rowd 2004-Jul-04 06:38:00
Hi Andrew,
Perhaps the problem is with Internet Explorer and the sprite. I have
no problems with the full screen VR when I just view the .mov file
on my computer, but as soon as it's on the WWP website it causes
problems if the auto rotate is on. My computer is a P4 2.6 with 1
gig of RAM so I doubt if that's the problem.
My version of Panocube Plus is v. 0.043. I see on your website that
there is a newer version so I've just sent an update request. Maybe
that will help.
Scott Rowed
> No problems here - QT 6.3+Opera 6.05. I have scrolled the pano in
all possible directions - no any bands.
> Patrizio used the old version of PanoCube with built-in sprite not
designed for fullscreens.
> In general any sprite consume some CPU power, especially with full
screen panoramas. I just could sugest to avoid using of sprites with
full screens as not all visitors will have powerfull enough
copmputer to proccess full screen render + sprite's own calculations.
> =Andrew Jakowleff