Re: WWP Gardens Deadline Approaches
Michael Zander 2006-Jul-02 09:41:00
As regretable as it is I will unfortunately not be able to contribute this
time round. Through major involvement in my job I was not able to spare the
time when it was required. I am therefore looking to forward to contribute
next time.
I do appreciate very much your notice and will be very curious to see what
has been sumitted for the current project.
Thanks again,
Am 02.07.2006 7:50 Uhr schrieb "Landis" unter <#removed#>:
> A little over 24 hours to go on the editing process. Please
> check your work and if you haven't yet uploaded do so ASAP.
> I've recently gone through all the entries and approved all that
> I could. I've also sent an email to everyone that hasn't been
> approved to make sure that they knew.
> Great gardens from around the world!
> -Landis
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