Re: WWP Gardens Deadline Approaches
Landis 2006-Jul-02 15:48:00
>More or less the same question.
>Is there a message or something else to be sure the approval is OK?
>Are all pages approved which are listed in the aplhabetical index?
I'll ask Markus to answer the proper way for a participant to tell if
they've been approved or not because I'm not sure exactly what you
see vs what an admin sees. But I've got a light green background
info box filled with text on the top of your page when you're
approved and a red one when you're not.
Also, I'm pretty sure the index page at:
only shows those who have been approved.
Remember, if your page is edited after it has been approved it will
fall back off that list until we check it again. This is intentional
in case anything important (like panorama or coordinates) was
deleted. Again - feel free to edit until the deadline. I just went
through all of them yesterday to make sure that no one was
unintentionally missing anything important.
(FYI, yours is fine Rolf)