Holly WAR?! :D
Josh 2008-Jun-27 17:12:00
Hurray - here they are again, the narrow-minded* who forgot to take the blinkers off. You
talk about artwork and you want to be artists? The way you talk reveals that you haven't
even caught a glimpse of arts. Meanwhile I hope there will never be a collaboration
between you and ZKM because you don't deserve it. You have NO IDEA, what immense
development has been done by the people at ZKM. Compared to such creative genius you
are just pathetic bourgeois with dollar-signs in your eyes. You have not the brains to
understand the meaning of 'net culture' because you are not cultured.
Too harsh words for you? I am smirking. I am just talking to you in the same way you talk
to someone you haven't met personally. I believe you wouldn't dare to talk like this while
sitting at the same table in one room - or if so, you are the ones who have sunken low ...
Thats one of the bad things about open internet, groups and boards: every twit can type
shit on his keyboard.
You are using words like theft and stealing, yes even 'holly war' (you ment holy I guess) -
ridiculous! Tell us - what has been stolen from you, what is gone forever, what has been
damaged? Go on and specify the damage! That's in fact what you must do before writing
an invoice or even going to court - otherwise the judge might just laugh at you.
You are talking about commercial use. Go on you materialistic professionals - calculate
the chance of a mass production of such a pano-screen. Name a global investor who
would spend a cent!? Every public institution receives monetary support from the state or
from companies - but not solely for commercial purposes. Quite a lot of developments are
done for the sake of science and research, to bring knowledge and experience to higher
levels by not only looking at the profit!
There has been no damage neither to you or your work nor to third parties. PROOF only
one case, where you have received the right to publish on WWP, but NOT somewhere else?!
If it is published on WWP, it can easily be seen on Google Earth (by FREE downloading the
placemarks) - what can be more public? You have no control at all, where and when your
panos are seen. A rights-contract about that is futile.
You are the ones who take 'different measurements', you compare apples and oranges.
You should look at the 'real thing', i.e. what has happened effectively, then go on with
your work and save your families from starving, you paupers.
Now I feel better - I had to vent my anger about your inadequate aggressive behavior ...
And hey dorks, read your own words, they don't solve any problem, they are just a
squandering of bandwidth. :p
(* Of course I do not mean the whole WWP group! But I am too chicken-hearted to name
the handful - the right ones will know by discovering quotations)