Re: object movie
Caroling Geary 2011-Mar-21 11:57:00
I enjoyed exploring the angels from near and afar.
It seems that both movies play using the QuickTime player, as Viktor
points out.
I wonder what happens if someone doesn't have Flash. I know such a
person and will ask if he will test it.
Thanks for the help.
On Mar 21, 2011, at 2:26 AM, Andrew Varlamov wrote:
>> I chose to upload a QTVR object movie for limits. What about Flash?
>> If I were to prepare a Flash object movie, I don't see a way to
>> upload it on the prep server.
> My experience displays that Pat Swovelin can translate QTVR object
> into Flash -
> http://worldwidepanorama.org/worldwidepanorama/wwp609/html/
> AndrewVarlamov-5530.html
> But, You need to pass him slides (in JPG or TIF format).
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net