Re: discussion of the future of the WWP
Caroling Geary 2013-Feb-10 16:07:00
Interesting to hear the polarizing effect of Facebook. For me fb is more effective socializing than email or any other bulletin boards. For me Facebook has enough options for privacy that I haven't found it worse than all the other perils of internet usage. But I have good friends that do not get it or use it. I wonder if Google + is any better for Facebook objectors? I haven't figured out how to use G+ well, but would it work for a group?
Caroling - http://wholeo.net
On Feb 10, 2013, at 9:50 AM, luca vascon wrote:
> Agree, definite no-no to facebook. I do have enough of facebook eating up
> the whole internet.
> 2013/2/10 diallery <daniel.fuchs
>> I agree with Zorg, for me Facebook is not an option.
>> --- In #removed#, "Zorg" wrote:
>>> I will never go to Facebook, The behaviour of this company about privacy
>> is not acceptable.