Re: What is the FOV number?
Richard Fox 2005-Feb-09 22:46:00
Greetings all!
> For your camera, take the focal length and multiply it by 1.6... so if
> you're using the 18-55mm lens at its widest setting, that would be
> 18mm
> x 1.6
> 18 x 1.6 = 28.8
> Simply enter 28.8 as the focal length for your shots.
I saw Roger's answer, but I am wondering if this calculation factor of
1.6 is just for the equivalent focal length for digital, because of the
different 'film' plane size. I am guessing it is, since AFAIK the 18-55
mm lens on a digital is roughly equivalent to the standard 28-80 mm
lens that would come with a film-based SLR?
Richard Fox