Re: Press release?
Landis 2005-Apr-06 16:08:00
>Hi all,
>we should make translations of the official press release a standard
>issue for the next events to help gain more interest in national media.
>I guess Don (as author) is willing to authorize the translations (that's
>important in german copyright law if I do a german translation),
>http://creativecommons.org/text/ might be useful for our needs.
>BTW do we have a "official" press release now?
Sorry about not responding on this sooner. Don
is the guy who does so well at the creative
writing, but has been out of town. He should be
back today, but I don't know what his schedule is
on a full-fledged press release. In the mean
time, the one that he originally posted can be
used (and translated). We'll work on getting
translations up on the website soon - you might
want to put in there that most of the captions
and site is in English, but the pictures are
universal. :) Alexander Thomsen did a
translation to German and sent it to us. We'll
get it on the website shortly (permissions
issues) with proper diacritical, but until then
it's attached below.
Original short press release:
Marketplace - A World Wide Panorama
Last weekend over 250 photographers, mostly strangers to each other,
collaborated on an international photography project. Working in 44
countries around the world they each photographed and prepared a VR
panorama on the theme of "marketplace". The results show amazing
imagination and variety.
If you have never experienced a VR panorama this is an excellent way to
find out what it is all about. These computer images spin around 360?,
sometimes also straight up and down, allowing you to look in any
direction. It is as if you are "virtually" there.
The web site produced by this effort is available at
http://WorldWidePanorama.com. You may need to download and install QuickTime
software (free, from Apple Computer) if you do not already have it.
The World Wide Panorama series of events, sponsored by the Geography
Computing Facility at the University of California Berkeley, is now
starting a second year of quarterly events. This time it was held the
weekend of the Equinox, March 20, first day of Spring in the northern
hemisphere. Participating photographers were free to choose any
interpretation of the theme "marketplace" that appealed to them, from
actual local farmer's markets to abstract concepts of marketplaces of
Marktplatz - World Wide Panorama, ein Weltumspannendes Panorama
Am letzten Wochenende haben ?ber 250 Fotografen,
die sich mehrheitlich noch nie begegnet sind, an
einem gemeinsamen internationalen Fotoprojekt
teilgenommen. Zu dem Thema Marktplatz hat jeder
ein Motiv aufgenommen und hieraus ein
interaktives (VR) Panorama erstellt. Die Beitr?ge
aus 44 L?ndern aus der ganzen Welt zeichnen sich
durch enormen Einfallsreichtum und Vielseitigkeit
F?r alle die bisher noch kein interaktives VR
Panorama gesehen haben, ist dieses Event ein
lohnendes Beispiel dieses Medium kennen zu
lernen. Bei diesen digitalen Bildern kann man
sich 360? um die eigene Achse drehen und bei
einigen sogar direkt nach oben und unten. Dadurch
ist der Blick in alle Richtungen m?glich, als
w?re man direkt vor Ort, mitten im Geschehen.
Die Internet-Adresse f?r die Website dieses
Projektes: http://WorldWidePanorama.com
Zum Betrachten der Panoramen wird der QuickTime
Player ben?tigt, der kostenlos bei Apple Computer
zum download bereit steht, falls dieser nicht
bereits auf Ihrem Rechner installiert ist.
Das "World Wide Panorama" Projekt wird von der
Geography Computing Facility der Universit?t
Berkeley, California gesponsert und ist nun in
seinem zweiten Jahr. Die Events finden
viertelj?hrlich jeweils zu einem definierten
Thema statt. Dieses Mal am Wochenende des
"Equinox", am 20. M?rz, welches die Tag und
Nachtgleiche in der n?rdlichen Hemisph?re
darstellt. Den Teilnehmern wurden s?mtliche
Interpretationsm?glichkeiten des Themas
"Marktplatz" gew?hrt, von traditionellen M?rkten
bis hin zu abstrakten Darstellungen virtuellen
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]