Re: MPEG4 v JPEG compression
c b arun kumar 2005-Jul-13 16:49:00
I tend to use Sorenson Video 3. Get good results for
stuff with skies and the like but other wise mpeg 4 is
very efficient but tends to mess up large single color
areas more than sorenson.
So i use either depending on the picture
--- bruce_hemming <#removed#> wrote:
> Having been admonished by the wagging finger on the
> prep server over the size of my
> submission I did a little experiment with the
> following results. Compressed at 51% with
> JPEG = 2.7 meg file, compressed at 51% with MPEG4 =
> 1.9 meg file.
> Quality looked identical to me - any pano gurus care
> to comment on which codec gives
> best results? Out of all available that is - not
> just the two that I have used as examples.
> Could save some wrist slapping next time around.
> Best
> Bruce