Re: Load MOV with DevalVR plugin
Internet 2005-Sep-25 21:35:00
It works great in IE, but I can't get it to work in Firefox and Opera.
fierodeval schreef:
> Hi all,
> I'm not a photographer, I am software developer and I would like to
> show my plugin here.
> I have been developing for 4 years the DevalVR project. This is a
> browser plugin to visualize several types of contents, as panoramic
> pictures and 3D topographic maps.
> Recently somebody asked me if I could load MOV files in my viewer, to
> avoid the QT downloads. Now, the last version of my plugin load MOV
> files.
> By now, it supports cubic panoramas with one tile per face, preview
> option too. I'm working in tiled faces now.
> You can use this program to generate the HTML code to see MOV files:
> http://www.devalvr.com/descargas/dps/devalpanoramastudio.zip
> - Select the "Publish HTML" tab
> - Introduce the name of the MOV file in the "DVL file" box
> - Select the name for the file in "HTML File" button
> - And push the "Publish HTML" button to create the file.
> This is the basic HTML code to load MOV files:
> http://www.devalvr.com/instalacion/htmlcode.txt
> The plugin CAB has ~180KB (installing through the browser),
> or you can download the installer program in
> http://www.devalvr.com/install (~210KB)
> This is the stand-alone viewer:
> http://www.devalvr.com/descargas/dps/player.zip
> The plugin doesn't require DirectX or OpenGL.
> It works in Windows operating systems, in all browsers (IE, Firefox,
> Opera, Netscape...). I have verified that, with the same HTML code,
> in the Mac computers QTVR starts up, without changing anything.
> The viewer is free, you can use it to view your MOV files without QT.
> I will add more QT features, tiled faces, hotspots, and other
> panoramic types as cylindrical and spherical, soon.
> regards
> fiero
> www.devalvr.com
> (Sorry, some parts of my web page are not still in English, I hope to
> translate them soon...)
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