Re: Searching (was Re: Seen them all!)
Thomas Rist 2006-Jan-05 11:59:00
>>The easiest way is integrating a Google "search site" form, although the
>>results are a little unpredictable...
>We've actually looked into doing this. The main problem is that the
>WWP isn't the ONLY thing on the GeoImages server and so a search for
>Waterfalls from any Google search box on the WWP pages would result
>in not only the WWP panoramas of waterfalls, but also some great
>photos on the other projects hosted on this server. (example:
Take a look at *Zoom Search Engine* at htttp://www.wrensoft.com/zoom/
I think it can handle this problem.
But, the free version is only for sites up to 50 pages!
You will need the pro edition, which costs $ 99.00
Knows anybody a free tool, who could do the same?
T. Rist