Re: A couple of friends dropped in for a drink...
Markus Altendorff 2006-Jun-26 20:08:00
Richard Crowest wrote:
> http://www.ericmeye roncss.com/ bonus/render- mode.html
> <http://www.ericmeyeroncss.com/bonus/render-mode.html>
> I can't for the moment remember why strict mode refuses to give a <div>
> a percentage
> height of the containing element - I think it may have something to do
> with the idea that
> the content should determine the height of an element, though of course
> that's no help at
> all if you want to fill (or partially fill) a page, box or whatever. It
> also suggests that Safari
> isn't complying with the specs in rendering the box at my intended
> height, but that's a
> whole 'nother story.
Wasn't there something that you need to give the containing
element also a defined height? Not sure about that...