Re: sustenance contribution and text
pau 2007-Oct-04 17:39:00
El 04/10/2007, a las 18:04, Landis escribi?:
> At 17:56 +0200 10/4/2007, pau wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I would like to ask the list if I have written fine the caption to my
>> contribution.
>> PauValienteMoral.html
> Good work and neat effects on your panorama.
> This is how I might suggest tightening up your text:
Thanks a lot Landis! I apreciate your time!
Everything you have adjusted is perfect except for the next paragraph
that I meant another thing:
> The use
> of the car in Madrid doesn't make sense, the city
> is growing excessively and there isn't a well
> designed distribution of public and private
> streets around all the neighborhoods.
When I wrote "there isn't a well designed distribution of public and
private infrastructures around all the neighborhoods." I meant that
the people living on the surrounding neighborhoods usually have to
cross the city or go to the center of the city to do many usual
shopping or work because there's no possibility to do it on their own
neighborhood. Does it make sense? (It's difficult for me to explain
in english, sorry)
Also I forgot to add the first sustenance conclusion:
The sustainable development is necessary to maintain our sustenance,
the earth.
and in the end the second:
> The culture is one of the basic elements that sustain the
> civilization.
> Hope this helps,
> Landis
Sure it helps, thanks a lot!
pau valiente
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