Re: personal news from Don Bain
sirflor1 2008-May-23 16:24:00
I don't know you personally, but because in the last years I always
read your messages about the wwp-events, and thought about you
as a unknown friend.
I will thank you for all of your effort in the past, and hope we all
can see your panos in the coming www-events.
Thanks and have a good time on your travelling
--- In #removed#, "G. Donald Bain" <dbain@...> wrote:
> My friends in the World Wide Panorama,
> I have been going through some personal and professional traumas and
> changes over the last year. They have contributed to my rather
> inadequate level of participation in the WWP, both as organizer and
> participant. For this I apologize.
> The important news in the context of the WWP is that I have resigned
> my position at the University of California and will retire at the end
> of next month. This was never a part of my career plan, but changes
> in the department and the nature of my job made it a necessary decision.
> This will, at least theoretically, give me more time to devote to the
> WWP. But of course I will be using much of my newly freed time to
> travel and pursue other projects, of which I have many.
> The WWP has, from the beginning, been sponsored by the Geography
> Department and hosted on equipment belonging to the University of
> California. I am assured by the chairman of the department that this
> support will continue after my departure. I will not be breaking all
> ties, in fact I will be teaching a class each semester next year, so I
> can keep a protective eye on the WWP server.
> The Geo-Images Project has its own dedicated server, and bandwidth at
> the university is unmetered, so it really doesn't cost the department
> anything. My personal presence is seldom needed - most administration
> has always been done by Markus from Germany. The only change that I
> see in the near future is that we will combine the prep server and the
> GeoImages server on the same computer.
> The success of the WWP, far beyond what we originally expected, has
> been a great joy to me. I would like to thank everyone who has
> participated - together we have done something really significant and
> unique. It has value as art, as education, and as an example of
> international community.
> Pax vobiscum,
> Don