Re: some research
John Riley 2008-May-27 20:05:00
On May 27, 2008, at 9:20 AM, Milko Amorth wrote:
> I think it is a good idea to take some action now. First i would
> propose
> to lock up the qtvrs on the site. The kiosk mode beeing "false"
> invites
> many people to download the movie and gives a false impression of its
> further useage. This needs to stop.
> I know it will not prevent theft, but raises the barrier bar and its
> intent to download to a much higher level.
> People dont read the fine prints. Abuse warnings need to be with the
> credit line, unfortunately.
Although this is something that would need to be moved to a different
thread and is a tangential consideration for the future, there is at
least one possible solution to strongly discouraging theft. We have
had discussions about moving the panoramas over to a Flash-based
player, which was somewhat controversial. If we were to do so,
Patrick Cheatham and Zephyr at flashpanos.com have come up with a
utility to encrypt flash panoramas in FlashPanorama Player and their
associated XML files. I would imagine flashpanos.com would be open
to some licensing agreement with WWP. The description from their site:
HideAPano "Encryption" Utility
Submitted by zephyr on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 18:01. FPP Plugin zephyr
The HideAPano "encryption" utility is finally ready for public use!
You can now hide your XML and images from prying eyes. When a lousy
borrowing bum like myself tries to look at your XML file, or at your
pano images, all we'll get is illegible junk, and broken images. And
the images and XML file for a tour will be tied together to your key,
so no one can try to use your "encrypted" XML and switch out the
images. There is no performance penalty with HideAPano "encryption".
HideAPano works with cubic QTVR (.mov) files, cubes, and stripes, and
supports loaderStreamed loading or normal loading.
Here is a simple demo
You can look at the XML file. (It's about as legible as Chinese
You can look at a cube face image (broke as a bum)
And here is a more complicated multi-node QTVR real example, courtesy
of my friend Paulo Fernandes at GoGoPixel:
Parque Navegantes
There are only three caveats (You can now use multiple panoType in
one tour):
1: This is not "state of the art" encryption, and because we don't
want to kill the performance of Flash Panorama Player, it can't be
"state of the art". So don't put your credit card number in the XML
and challenge a cryptographer to Caribbean Cruise if he can find it.
He'll go to Aruba on your dime.
2: Does not work with Flash Version Detection, or Flash Plugins
before Flash 9.
3: Does not currently support equirectangulars or cylinders, however
support will probably be built in soon.
Food for thought in a later, separate thread,
John Riley