Re: 2004, 2005,2006 WWP Entries Globalrama
Thomas Rist 2008-Jun-05 22:09:00
AYRTON wrote:
> Thomas
> this is only for buying in a normal definition,
> not for someone that STEAL the photos ...
> What I mean is there's a difference between buying and "taking" away.
> One has to pay higher if does something illegal and hiding from other !
> best
Your statement is true. I Never doubt this.
Hans choose the category "-Print Editorial-, Gallery / Museum /
Government Exhibit" with Size=Larger than 40"x60", Duration=Up to 3
years, Territory=Europe and Languages=One language. For this usage,
FOTOSEARCH bills $1400 for a panorama.
In my opinion, the category "-Online / Electronic Media- Multimedia
Presentation" with Duration=Up to 6 months (for usage in ZKM, Karlsruhe)
+ Duration= Up to 1 month ( for usage in Stuttgart) which sums up to
only $600 per panorama, apply better.
This are prices for legal usage only from one stock photography agentur.
What you add for un-allowed usage is up to you.
What you bill is up to you.