Re: From Los Angeles
Rodolpho Pajuaba 2004-Sep-21 11:53:00
Bo wrote:
> Got mine put together... Its not build by a Roman Emperor or created
> by nature long ago... But it IS a bridge allright.
> http://www.bophoto.com/panos/
> Sorry about the birds flying overhead, they just did NOT match my
> shutter-speed.. Seriously WHO would have guessed they would pass at
> just that moment. Ha ha.
> Shot with Nikon Coolpix 5400 FC-E9 Stitched with 3D-Vista Stitcher
> and naturally finished in Photoshop.
> Enjoy.
> Bo
No, no, no! Now we?ll have to kill you, how dare you to let those birds
show up?!?! In an outdoor Pano?!?! ;-)
In a serious note now, I see no problem at all with those birds,
actually I kind of like them. It?s the nature coming into our so
technically controlled environment. Allow some randomness, it?s the life!
Rodolpho Pajuaba