Re: discussion of the future of the WWP
Sam Rohn 2013-Feb-11 21:12:00
direct link to don's facebook topic re: WWP is here -
you can follow any thread in the group to receive updates by clicking the follow link below the topic text next to like etc, you can also get a permalink to any topic by mouseover the topic date/time
and you can always search PPFB for discussions on WWP like the links below -
all WWP'ers are welcome aboard, we had about 35 new members this weekend who i assume found PPFB via this thread, and as carlos and don have said, those who wish to discuss WWP on PPFB should feel welcome to come do so, and we are all happy to help keep WWP alive and kicking
for those who want an alternate mailing list or forum to yahoo groups but do not care for facebook i would suggest google groups which is similar to yahoo list, not G+ community which is similar to fb but still a bit undercooked for my tastes, no sorting messages by recent replies so not so good for discussions, just most recent posts
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Sam Rohn :: New York City
Panoramic Photography :: http://www.samrohn.com
Location Scout :: http://www.nylocations.com
--- In #removed#, Kathy Wheeler wrote:
> On 02/11/2013, at 10:20 PM, Carlos Chegado Lists wrote:
> > Don is just pointing
> > out that this discussion started on the Panoramic Photographers on Facebook
> > Group because obviously this is the most lively Panoramic Photography Group
> > that currently exists.
> I find it difficult to locate discussions more than a day or so old on FB. Too fragmented and too much going on. Is there any chance someone could compile a "digest" of daily "future of the WWP" discussions to post here where I can't lose them please?
> Cheers,
> KathyW.