Re: converting camera GPS to WWP format
Caroling Geary 2013-Sep-28 18:08:00
Yes, that works. Thanks!
On Sep 28, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Bostjan Burger wrote:
> I am not familiar with Sony GPS recording format but if your location was acctually Deer State Lake park then the format might be: 30? 18.093' N 86? 4.5553' W.
> Is so use this nice converter: http://www.gpscoordinates.eu/convert-gps-coordinates.php#
> Pick the option: DD?MM.mmm'
> Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 5:32 PM
> Subject: converting camera GPS to WWP format
> How do I enter this GPS data into the fields to convert?
> Sony DSC-HX200V. 30,18.0938N 86,4.5553W
> No matter what I do, I'm getting error message and incorrect conversion. Maybe I should convert it myself? I am converting from decimal to what?
> --
> Caroling - http://wholeo.net