Re: too late
vtourdk 2004-Mar-24 10:02:00
--- In #removed#, "Jim Arthur" wrote:
> My Nikon D70 just arrived but a little too late for the WWP.
You can du it with any lens - But if you want to use as few shot as
possible, the best choice is a fisheye-lens.
1. Nikkor 10.5 - This is a fulframe fisheye lens with 180 degree
diagonal fov [appr. 150 x 115?] on digital slr. It give you the best
quality of todays options I think. For a full cubic you need 5-6
around and 2 for nabir/zenith.
2. Sigma 8mm - A circular fisheye lens giving you appr. 180 x 135
degree fov on digital slr - so in theory you can do with 4 shots,
but many times you'll have to do at least an extra for zenith. And
the lens have some light falloff near the edges so you have to
compensate for that using photoshop [read http://tinyurl.com/2hf4o ]
or taking more shots.
3. Peleng 8mm - The cheap circular fisheye solution. But it's a full
manual non-cpu lens so you have to guestimate the settings and it
gives you appr. 170 x 125 degree fov. so you have to do min. 4
around and 2 for zenith/nadir. It don't have the same amouth of
light fallof as the sigma. Instead it often have some smoggy
ghosting and reflections near the lower curved edges, most severe
when shooting on an overcast day ;-( - so here you might also have
to take more shoots.
4. If you're lucky and have the money you might be able to find a
second hand Nikkor 8mm fish-eye. It has much better optics than
both Sigma and Peleng. See http://tinyurl.com/2ptfn
5. Poor mans fisheye - Using a nikon coolpix fisheye adapter and
some step-up rings. Read more at http://tinyurl.com/2akff
I you don't mind taking the extra shots I'd recommend the Nikkor
10.5 as it is build for digital slr and gives the best image
quality - it's even a little bit cheaper than the Sigma 8 mm.
- Flemming