Re: Problems with panning on some full screen
Hans Nyberg 2004-Jul-04 19:19:00
on 04/07/04 20:16, Landis #removed# wrote:
> I'm curious if it's the way the logo was applied, or the fact that
> there is a logo at all.
> Just out of curiosity - those of you who are having problems viewing
> some - do the following ones work as expected?
> Cylindrical, with logo, no rotate:
> http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp304/html/LandisBennett.html
> Cubic, no logo, auto-rotate:
> http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/wwp304/html/KatKalamaras.html
There is no problem at all with those.
It only apears on fullscreens where you can see that the logo is scaled and
very pixelated.
And if you see the same movie from your hardisc in Quicktimeplayer there is
no problem in small size
If you see it in fullscreen it is jerky.
This is the one by Brian O?Really which i removed the logo from.
Click on the link at the top to see it with logo.
I have never used logo so I have not noticed this before.
Hans Nyberg
commercial photographer
hans nyberg fotografi
hasselvej 6 DK-8550 ryomgaard denmark
<http://www.virtualdenmark.dk>Denmark in QTVR Panoramas
<http://www.panoramas.dk> Panoramas.dk - Features Fullscreen QTVR
email: #removed#
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