Re: ? Can Tito use any of the WHS images taken at the WWP ?
G. Donald Bain 2004-Jul-29 17:42:00
Andy makes some good points. Let me clarify.
Marco has been given permission to host thumbnail images of both events
on the FullScreenQTVR site, which will link to the panoramas at their
permanent home on GeoImages. I believe he is starting work on this
Tito said at one point that he would be glad to link to WH sites on the
WWP, but we have not discussed details.
I have no direct contact with UNESCO.
Let me assure everyone - the copyright to your images is safe. There
can be no legal use of them beyond their present hosting on the
Geo-Images site unless you personally and explicitly grant that right.
News and review sites (and publications), however, can use small
portions of copyright materials without permission, what is known as
"fair use". There is no clear-cut definition of how far this can go.
Personally I think a screenshot or thumbnail would be fine, but if they
want to re-host an entire panorama they need permission from the
As to suggestions for a cooperative or other democratic model for the
WWP -- sorry, it has to remain a benevolent dictatorship if it is to
continue as we started. I am responsible to my employer for the way in
which the project is conducted and how the server is being used. I
welcome discussion, but at the end of the day I am the one who has to
There may at some point be questions of appropriate content, which I
will have to evaluate, based on university policies. Luckily for us all
this is a famously liberal environment -- the Free Speech Movement of
1964 etc.
Clearly prohibited on university servers are commercial use, copyright
infringement, hate-related material, and computer security hazards. I
would like also to set some limits on sexual content, so we can freely
publicize this site to schools at all levels.
I hope everyone is comfortable with these policies. I think they will
contribute to a safe, sustainable, long-lived project.
On Jul 27, 2004, at 10:29 PM, Andy Alpern wrote:
> Dave,
> Excuse me for being blunt but at this point the "WWP" hasn't offered
> the use of it's panos to Tito or UNESCO. I believe that, beyond a link
> from those sites, it would require permission from every individual
> photographer. That is a long process and, personally, I don't allow ANY
> site to use my work without a very specific agreement. Until something
> is worked out, I can't agree to this.
> As far as I understood, the theme of World Heritage sites was for
> this shoot only. If we, as a group, want to approach UNESCO and say
> that we would like to shoot panos for their website, this could be an
> additional project but that might be stepping on Tito's toes a bit. He
> started something with his own resources and time that has taken off
> quite well and I wouldn't want to to take the spotlight away from him
> and all the effort he has put and is putting into his site.
> I guess this issue brings up another point which is the
> 'cooperative'
> nature of this event. Someone sent an email today suggesting that this
> become a cooperative. I disagree with that. Have been a member, and
> still a member of may different types of coops (from food coops to
> kibbutzim) I can say that i don't think it would work well for this
> project. I personally enjoy the fact that I don't have to put very much
> effort into the construction, administration and publicizing of WWP. I
> have too much other stuff going on. Once you start requiring work from
> people,,,well...you open up a pandora's box of sorts. I have already
> volunteered some time for the next shoot and I think the site can
> continue to function well at this pace (with many thanks to D L and
> K!). Right now WWP has a gestalt effect which, as far as I can tell, is
> growing at a fine pace. I suggest not to over-water this garden.
> Peace,
> Andy
> Golem Productions
> http://golemproductions.com
> On Jul 28, 2004, at 3:26 AM, Dave 360texas.com wrote:
>> --- In #removed#, Harald Walker <#removed#> wrote:
>>> Dave 360texas.com wrote:
>>>> Will Tito be able to use (or already has)any of those panoramas??
>>>> Seems like a tremendeous resource.
>>>> ?
>>> I offered some of my already existing Word Heritage panoramas to
>> Tito
>>> before the wwp06 and got this answer:
>>> "Unfortunately we don't host third parties works and link only
>> purely
>>> informational spherical QTVR Tours."
>>> cu,
>>> Harald
>> If I were Tito, in my opinion, I would think 2 times about the WPP
>> offer to improve his website.. as well as the UNESCO's website.
>> After all.. we have to ask the question.. what was the World Wide
>> Panorama's effort .. if not to support the World Heritage effort...
>> Is there a need to continue? With WPP?? or World Heritage??? Why
>> follow??? We need to help.. but....
>> DAve
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>> The World-Wide Panorama
>> For more information:
>> -Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.html
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> The World-Wide Panorama
> For more information:
> -Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.html
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