RE: How about... a more productive thread: WWP enhancements for 07?
John Spikowski 2006-Oct-18 21:52:00
> Personally, I don't think the question of VR file format is
> as compelling as what we can expect from the larger WWP
> presentation in the future. I'm wondering what features (and
> this is totally unprompted, I have no idea whether our hosts
> are even interested in new features) may be missing in the
> WWP presentation.
> A few items that have repeatedly come to mind when exploring WWP:
> 1) A sense of communications through the addition of some
> form of comment or forums system on a per-pano (and maybe
> site-wide) basis. I'd love to be able to leave comments and
> have discussions about specific content there, and be able to
> communicate with other visitors - I'm certain the vast
> majority of the audience does not belong to this list
> 2) Some form of search - this seems a no-brainer. Navigation
> is great, but freeform search is obviously a well
> demonstrated/common feature of a content-rich site.
> 3) To go along with search, some form of extended metadata
> support; perhaps a freetagging solution to allow end users to
> contribute to the searchability of each page/object.
> 4) Integration with outside services; trackbacks (so we can
> see who is saying what about the site) and de.licio.us come to mind.
> 5) Protected contact forms, to make it easy for the audience
> to communicate directly with the content creator(s) without
> having to post email addresses in plaintext on the Web
> This is fun :)
> -Rh
Adding in the CIA World Factbook would be a nice button link to add to the
contributors page. (location facts, map, flag, ...)
The site even allows you to download the complete site for external