Re: Comments
Erik Krause 2007-Jan-03 09:09:00
On Wednesday, January 03, 2007 at 12:10, Wheaton, Simon wrote:
> Self-moderation? Make it so that the comments have to either be approved
> by the WWP contributor of the pano that the comment relates to, or that
> the WWP contributor can delete unwelcome comments.
Approving prior to publication yes, only delete unwelcome no. Who
would do that on a regular basis? And approving means that only
positive critics will make it into the page.
> I agree that having a comments area for each pano would be a great
> improvement, similar to what they have on photo hosting sites like
> Flickr.
I don't know Flickr but on the german fotocommunity site you have to
be member to post comments. Do we need this? We have this list. Any
member who want's to comment can do it here.
My personal vote would be: No comments. The most popular VR sites
panoramas.dk, vrmag and arounder don't have a commenting possibility
so why should WWP have it?
best regards
Erik Krause
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