Comments (was Re: WWP Late Edit and Final Push - 360+?)
Landis 2007-Jan-02 21:42:00
>> I suppose having a forum where viewers and contributors could easily
>> discuss about the panos is very difficult to achieve but, well,
>> Internet is at its best level only when there are exchange between
>> peoples in both directions. Something more is to be found for that!
> I second this! I brought this up earlier in the year, and think it
> would
> be hands-down the most needed important improvement left to the WWP
> site.
> Our audience certainly doesn't come here to the list to discuss, so
> where
> do we engage with the audiece? A simple discussion thread for each
> posted
> panorama would be awesome for the next round in 07.
> -R
We are considering some changes in the near future, but the idea of
'comments' really needs to be fleshed out.
As I see it the comment system can be extremely detrimental. Take a
look at the comments on YouTube or Google Video. Obviously the WWP
isn't ever going to be as popular as those sites, but they seem to
really bring out the worst in people. I used to think that after
people got over the excitement of "seeing their name in pixels"
they'd get bored posting nasty, baseless, or plain useless comments.
That never happened and it's just gotten worse over time. We'd need
to have a way of patrolling comments, people spending time as
moderators for all these comments, etc. This was all well outside
the original scope of the WWP. Now that we're going into our 4th
year, however, we can consider things like this, but it's not
something that is just easy to turn on and make everyone happy. In
fact, it could drive participation away.
In a somewhat related vein, the idea of ratings also has a large
downside that needs to be considered. We really don't want to turn
this into a competition and/or popularity contest.
Any ideas?