Re: Nikon 10.5mm or Sigma 8mm
Keith Martin 2007-Apr-19 15:52:00
Sometime around 19/4/07 (at 07:59 -0700) Aykut Erdogdu said:
>Hi everyone;
>I have got a Nikon D80 and now I would like to buy a new Nikon
>10.5mm or Sigma 8mm. for my newly started panoramic photography
>studies. Would anyone help me in deciding which one to choose?
I made that choice myself back in January 2006. I was tempted by the
Sigma 8mm too, but in the end I decided that the quality of the
Nikkor 10.5mm was worth the extra cash and the slightly higher
minimum number of shots required for a full 360. I've been *very*
happy with it, too.
(In particular, using that with the 360Precision 'Absolute' head has
been sheer delight, both in the reliability of the head and the
optical quality of the lens. Great combination.)
Of course, there are a lot of panorama photographers here that use
and like the Sigma 8mm - this is just what I ended up getting and how
it has worked out for me.