Re: WWP entry done. Phew!
Keith Martin 2009-Sep-23 00:22:00
Sometime around 22/9/09 (at 17:44 -0500) Caroling Geary said:
>I'll be interested to see how you explain watching football in a pub
>as a performing art. Please, no irate comments.
Well, I was thinking more of the people celebrating, definitely
showing off with the team colours, dancing and cheering. Not formal
performing arts/performances, but definitely 'performing for the
crowd', or rather, their friends, and making people laugh and cheer.
It didn't quite explode the way I've seen pubs go in the later stages
of world cup matches, but it was loud and good fun.
It sounds like you have at least as good a justification as I do,
just a different one. It is fascinating seeing the different places
that formal performances are made even if there's nobody there at the
time. And from the sound of it you're working into it from that point
too - I'm looking forward to seeing it.