Re: amazing weather photo
DeVill 2010-Jan-09 22:16:00
I can confirm Bostjans story! The Pasterce is one of my favorite hiking
destinations, and during the last 15 years I have kept going back every once
in a while. The loss in thickness is visible from year to year! I made a
pano documentation of the situation in 2009, and it's uploaded to 360Cities:
http://www.360cities.net/map#lat=47.07848&lng=12.74517&zoom=14 The lake to
the south east is were the glacier used to end in 1900 in a dramatic hundred
meter high wall of ice... it's about 2 km away from the current end of the
2010/1/9 Bostjan Burger <#removed#>
> Hm... as I
> know it was proven with the 'genesmaping' that the ancestors of all blue
> eyed
> people were from the area of the Black Sea...
> but that's OT.
> We have at
> least some snow here in my area. In the last decade we lost our last
> glacier,
> some traditional ski-centers were closed due the lack of the snow - the
> average
> snow elevation line raised quite dramatically. In a time of my life the
> largest
> Austrian glacier lost on its thickness few hundred meters. At that altitude
> was the glacier
> when I was born: http://www.burger.si/Austria/Koroska/Pastirica/06.html
> Here is the
> place where my oldest daughter was born:
> http://www.burger.si/Austria/Koroska/Pastirica/05.html
> And finally
> 250 m
> lower is the situation from the year 2008:
> http://www.burger.si/Austria/Koroska/Pastirica/05.html.
> Last summer 2009 there was no ice...But what is
> interesting...In the year 1999 was measured the temperature record in Pokka
> (Finland) with
> the -51.1 ?C.
> On March 30th 2009 our geography department measured -49.1 ?C (Komna) which
> was
> a new temperature record for Slovenia.Colder climate? Not really but new
> technologies.
> :) Bo?tjan
> "From: prague <#removed# <360cities%40gmail.com>>It has even
> been proposed that blond hair / blue eyes in humans comes from this part of
> the world (baltic/north sea area of europe).
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