Re: New English Version of PTGui Tutorial
Victor St 2005-Jan-23 11:09:00
I have downloaded nearly every posible DOWNLOAD that is linked to
WINDOWS and to create PANORMAS
After opening and looking I still seem not to be able to PINPOINT
the URL of any .exe file for WINDOWS from the free german software
CAN ANYONE tell me THE URL please
I have spend several days of downlaoding and serching the Net
I DO NOT HAVE A MAC. I run WIN 2000 but I am an avid digital photograper
and am very keen since discovering WWP etc..
tflyfish2002 <#removed#> wrote:
Great Tutorial. Very easy to follow, I only wish I had a fisheye for
my Canon 20D! Some very minor English errors, but nothing that is
worth bothering about.
Thanks for your time and effort.
--- In #removed#, Bernhard Vogl <#removed#> wrote:
> I have translated my German tutorial for 360 degree VRs to English.
> The main URL of the tutorial is:
> http://www.dffe.at/pano360
> This tutorial describes a workflow for creating interactive
> 360x180?-Panoramas by using fisheye images as input and Quicktime VR as
> output.
> As English is not my native language, i am very thankful for any
> corrections and suggestions...
> Best regards
> Bernhard
The World-Wide Panorama
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-Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.html
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