Re: WWPano & The Concept not the tech Side
Douglas L. Urner 2005-Mar-10 20:26:00
I have a couple of thoughts:
- Have you considered using long exposures? The buildings and
landscape would stay put, but the people would turn into ghosts. I
think it would stitch pretty well (at least it does when it happens by
accident :-) and it could convey the hustle and bustle of people getting
ready for their day. I'm thinking of doing something like this, but
haven't done my experiments yet.
- You might check and see what kind of equipment is available for
rent. At least around here lenses can be rented for $15-25 per day for
the non-exotics.
Douglas L. Urner <#removed#> Port Orchard, WA +1 360 769 5565
John Ryan wrote:
> All,
> Ok, I do realise that many of the members are professionals with all the gear etc., and doinf smthg like bridges is easy enough to achieve (as long as you have a bridge).
> My general prob is that I do not have ?2,000+ (?1,200/ $2,500) worth of lenses and just have the basics - a camera with normal lenses. That's ok with bridges but not in a dynamic 3D situation as market places, where you can end up with the same person in every shoot therefore messing up you stiching.
> I have got a solution of taking the shoots of portabello Rd. ( I am currently living in London) v. early in the morning, just as the stalls are being setup, or late at night. My other idea was to take a shoot of the London Underground control centre for the trains - where time is traded to maintain service.
> In gen I am just wondering about ideas for people without the perfect equipment, who are just interested in the concept and not the tech side of things, I am going to have fun messing with possibilities, and cos I don't have the equip - it means I have to be a bit more creative with my aproach to it.
> Looking forward to hearing ideas,
> John
> (London)
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