Re: Garden details please
Paul Palmer 2006-Jun-11 23:17:00
Hi Caroling
Nice to hear you have been down our way!!
We actually live a bit out of town, along the Queen Charlotte Sound,
not far from the water.
Its winter here, a big storm brewing but hope to get something
relating to a garden even if it is a bit bare at the moment.
We are off to a Scandic mid winter xmas party on the weekend at a
local lake. Great alpine plants there but it wont fit into the time
span :-(
Thanks everyone for the feedback, looking forward to submitting my
first WWP pano next week!
P.S. Is there a limit to the number you can submit?
<SNIP --- In #removed#, Caroling Geary <caroling@...>
> Come on, Don. Give us one of your inspiring essays on the theme.
> know we need it. I don't know how "garden" translates worldwide,
> at least we could get some of the possibilities as "seeds".
> From Picton, New Zealand, you could take the ferry to
> which has amazing plants and gardens, right? I stayed at a
> near Picton that had amazing rare plants as part of the native
bush...........................SNIP END>