Re: WARNING(virus check bypassed): Re: The 18th Arabian Gulf Cup Football Tournament - Abu Dhabi
Pajuaba Gmail 2007-Jan-25 12:53:00
Yeah! Yeah! Yeeeeah!
To each (country) his own!
Like in the 80's music, "everybody wants to rule the world!"
Congratulations, Pat, you did the talk. Cool guy indeed!
Rodolpho Pajuaba
Pat Swovelin escreveu:
> Aleksandar Janicijevic wrote:
>>This issue, no female spectators, should be explained by the author.
>>What is his vision of this situation, and of course, we do not need
>>official stand point of the United Arab Emirates. What is he
>>promoting and is he promoting anything?! Do we, as a site that should
>>unite the world, should promote this separation?
> You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. What you saw were
> several panos (shot in a *small area* of a stadium with 60,000 people in
> it) of a big-deal multi-national sports event in a foreign country that
> Mahmood shot and proudly presented for you to look at. It's not a
> public hanging it's a public sports event. Being upset about something
> you saw, or didn't see, in it and thinking that he has an agenda and he
> must explain himself *and* his culture to satisfy your pre-conceived
> notions of what is "right" is the same as someone in his country seeing
> a pano you shot at a topless beach (that's both legal and socially
> accepted in your country) and complaining about your culture allowing
> women to debase themselves by behaving like that either publically or
> privately and you having the chutzpah to show it to everyone on this list.
> This is a world-wide multi-cultural group of people and you need to take
> that into consideration before you get all hot and bothered about
> something you see, or don't see, here.
> You should be glad to get a look at something that went on in an area of
> the world you'll probably never get the chance to see personally.
> What I'm saying is; if you don't want to know what's going on in the
> nudist colony then don't look over the fence but if you do don't
> complain about it.