Re: Dataphonic and ZKM
Erik Krause 2008-Jun-07 10:19:00
On Saturday, June 07, 2008 at 6:49, Thomas wrote:
> Now it would be intersting if Mr. Lintermann is a co owner of the
> Dataphonic GmbH, than the final proof is done, that the Globorama is a
> pure commercial project.
Perhaps this isn't even necessary. ?52 states: "This shall not apply
if the event serves the gainful purpose of a third party; in such
case, the third party shall be required to pay the remuneration."
(Although I think this refers only to the mentioned exceptions from
the obligation to pay remuneration which don't apply here anyway).
> Also it is intersting that on Dataphonic.de the Globorama project is
> removed.
> Well I ask me why when it is a non commercial project. :D
> So all this ?52 blah blah is a pure joke as they have nothing else in
> their hands and they know it.
Only in case someone missed Reinhard's post on WWP - the english text
of ?52 can be found here:
best regards
Erik Krause