Re: Globorama
Kathy Wheeler 2008-Jun-27 00:19:00
On 27/06/2008, at 4:38 AM, berndlintermann wrote:
> It is in no case my intention to characterize "Globorama" as
> Appropriation Art,
Yeah ... it's more like "Misappropriation Art"!
> Hence, I appeal to everybody not to block the artistic and
> scientific development of net
> culture for the sake of short-term individual profit
Didn't many of the great artists of history live and die as paupers?
Is that what ZKM want's for us too? And most modern scientific
development is driven by commercial interests and/or pandering to
political whims. As for governments, they require you fill in their
surveys under penalty for non-compliance, but if you want any useful
results from these surveys you have to PAY for them!
No thanks, enough of the hypocrisy! If I have to let my family starve
to be a "great artist" I'll pass. This attempt at emotive blackmail
won't pay my bills.
Perhaps Mr Weibel has spent too much time in his "museum" and not
enough in the real net world as the "free exchange" culture he speaks
of started disappearing over a decade ago. There's very little left
of any worth now. If he wants "free stuff" maybe he could look to the
likes of YouTube? Lot's of "quality" material there eh ... as long as
the kiddies haven't been misappropriating material themselves ...
Not impressed,