Re: Submission bridge pano denied
Markus Altendorff 2004-Sep-24 06:38:00
#removed# sagte:
> Dear all,
> I follow the instructions to submit the pano to wwp server.
> But when I drag the zip file into the window, it says "Access Denied".
> Below is the log file.
> What should I do?
You'll have to drop the zip file into the "drop box" folder - the root folder is
locked, the drop box isn't. The file will become invisible after upload, since
that's what the drop box is for: to drop files into it like into a letter box.
Hope that helps?
BTW: still working on my panos - i made the worst "gray sky" /
"post-summer-depression" panos in my "carreer" and now i'm not sure which one to