Re: Word
Jim Watters 2004-Mar-21 20:51:00
It was a snowy day here is Ottawa, Canada. Visibility was low. I still
went out. Plenty of rain drops on the lens. At some point the camera
got set to auto focus. Because of the lack of visibility and everything
being covered in snow the only thing the camera could focus on was the
rain drops. Surprisingly raindrops can come out very sharp with a
fisheye lens.
In the last month we hardly had any snow. It had been disappearing at a
steady rate until yesterday. This morning it had stopping leaving 3 to
4 cm of fresh snow. Today would be a bit more scenic, but I think I
captured the feeling of the climate yesterday.
I ended up taking 4 pans. My camera, lens, and me were all cold and wet
and need of drying out and warming up.
Next time I suggest the middle of summer.
I wish I took a sound recorder with me. Just to record the wind and the
cracking sound the ice makes.
I have light falloff in the magenta channel that I had not had before.
And the pictures were all originally quite magenta. I had set the
camera to overcast. I am thinking the fisheye on my little Nikon 995
could not handle all the scattering light that was happening. This is
the first time I tried shooting is such conditions. All the water on
the lens also caused lots of distortion to the images and I could not
use my previous calculated values.
If you want a sneak peek I put them here. I have not tried to hide any
of the snow or rain on the lens.
I hope to fix them up some more and add a preview.
I look forward to looking at some of the sunny pans I have been hearing
about from others.
<> Jim Watters
Graphic Software Developer