Re: Fwd: Test, please!
Jim Watters 2004-Jul-02 17:31:00
Bring the flattened image into PTGui.
Lens Type Sphere
H Fov 360
a,b,c,d,e,g,t = 0
File Format = multi TIFF (faster, no masking or feathering done)
Projection = Equirectangular
FoV 360 X 180
Control points: Set at lest two pairs of points defining horizontal and
vertical lines. 3 or 4 pairs better.
Optimize Pitch & Roll.
Create Panorama same size.
Jim Watters
Graphic Software Developer
Rodolpho Pajuaba wrote:
>Landis wrote:
>>I, too, like marumby_01 the best of the three. I hope that you will
>>write a good caption to go with it so that the whole scene will be
>>Also, a technical suggestion... All three of these show the horizon
>>at a bit of an angle and it really throws the viewer off. You should
>>try to level this out. I don't know what stitching method you're
>>using but there are a number of ways to do this. The easiest is in
>>the stitching program if it supports it. (Otherwise PanoTools or
>>Flexify can help).
>Do you - or any of you who is reading - know if it?s possible to work
>this out on the stitched, final image? I?m using PTGui, but didn?t have
>noticed anything so strange so far, and will be a pain to make all those
>edits again... :-( .
>Thanks in advance,
>Rodolpho Pajuaba
>The World-Wide Panorama
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