Re: Another GPS-driven world map
Guillaume Fulchiron 2004-Oct-05 10:11:00
- Markus Altendorff <#removed#> wrote:
> This would be great. Not sure how Java would handle this -
> something like Zoomifyer in 3-D may be a solution. The
> uncompressed globe picture is some 2.6 gigabytes (can't even be
> saved in one piece in Photoshop... beyond 32000 pixels wide), so
> it would have to be some tiled and on-demand-loading thing with
> several layers of detail like zoomifyer does. Is there any way to
> add hotspots to Zoomifyer? I remember highres panoramas in a
> Zoomifyer/Quicktime combination, but i'm not sure how to handle
> this with the "inside-sphere/outside-sphere" problem. A qtvr
> object would be much too large, and VRML can't handle such large
> maps...
Hi Markus,
Zoomify is capable of tiling huge image. Also it is possible to add
hot spot ; have a look at this 20 000 x 10 000px flat satellite image
with hot spots :
180 HS (or more) would represent a long work I guess. But I think it's
feasible. I have been playing a bit with big linear panos into
zoomify viewer but never gave a try hot spot ; and I'm far to be a
Flash guru.