Re: extensive virtual tour
Keith Martin 2008-Nov-06 10:25:00
Sometime around 6/11/08 (at 00:07 -0800) Bostjan Burger said:
>Is it boring? most probably but it might be interesting someday in a future...
This is a very interesting point. It highlights the issue of choosing
*why* you create this kind of work. If it is specifically for a
client-pleasing project then that's the main criteria for
satisfaction. If it is specifically for historical archive interest
then *that* is the main criteria.
My personal preference would be a good balance of the two; a client
(hence probable payment) but also a 'less base', more historical
document kind of reason and goal. But the two points of view do lead
to slightly different ideals for the amount of content, the
presentation, and so on.