March 2005 WWP topic: ecology
Caroling 2005-Jan-06 18:53:00
I'm hoping there is another WWP on the horizon in March.
I'm still waiting to hear some reviews of our wonderful Sanctuary project. The Press
Release gave me a taste of the diversity, views of quality and nature of what we did.
I'm thinking of doing my own review - equal but different. It would be nice to get
some world wide recognition of the value.
In any case, today this announcement sparked my interest:
"A top New Zealand researcher is using a prestigious award ceremony in Christchurch
to warn that humans face extinction by the end of the century."
I began to wonder if our world wide vision could be focused on a topic like "Ecology -
is our world at risk?". I could imagine people finding instances of problems, solutions,
and let's make hay while the sun shines. I would personally welcome the challenge to
find a way to photograph local ecological choices, whether good, bad, or both. At
least it would be a relevant topic and might get interest in world wide media.
To me, the fact that we are cooperating in spite of local differences makes us special.
Professor Peter Barrett